Monday, March 28, 2005


I have been meaning to write since last Thursday, and have finally made it here. We celebrated Passover with our care group this year. I have to say that I'm not sure how we ever did Easter without it before. I certainly can't imagine letting Easter go by without Passover any more. It gives a whole new meaning to Easter and what Christ did for us. There is no way anyone could have orchestrated all the meaning and symbolism in a celebration for hundreds (thousands) of years before the fulfullment of that event.

I wish in the Protestant churches we would see that there is so much more to communion than we seem to give it credit. Same with baptism. We relegate it to a mere representation of something else and seem to discredit the amazing spiritualness of them. When I was baptised, I know that it was more than just letting everyone know that I identified with Christ. No one had told me about the importance of baptism, I just knew that I had to be baptised. And when I came up out of the water, I could tell there was something different about my relationship with God. I even had a friend say that she thought I looked like I was glowing.

There is a part of me that knows that there is more to communion as well. But I've heard so often about how we remember that Christ told us to remember him when we take communion. But we won't go so far as to say that the bread and the wine (grape juice) becomes the blood and body of Christ in any way. And a part of me thinks that it's kind of gross to think that the elements would actually turn into flesh and blood -- but here is where I think there is something more and I'm missing the point. I want the understanding of what Jesus truly meant when he took the middle piece of matzah, which was broken, and passed it telling us to remember him, broken for us. And I want to truly know when he said the cup of sanctification was his blood poured out for us, what that means now. And I feel as though I lack understanding of how to truly prepare myself to receive communion. I believe, and I think I understand, the sacrifice that was made, that had to be made, by Jesus Christ. But how can I ever be truly prepared to take communion, even knowing that?

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