Wednesday, January 15, 2003

So, I officially gave my notice this morning at the racquetball club. I'm really going to miss seeing the kids and the parents. It's almost not real that I won't be going there after the end of the month. I had signed up for racquetball on Saturdays to go through to March, and I'm planning to do those still. I'll have to pay for them now, though, since I won't have a membership any more.

I was thinking, as I was reading some past posts, how ironic it is that just after I said I was happy with my life, my life changes. And not just little change, either. I also think it's perfect timing that on Sunday Dwayne Barkman from West Portal Church came to our service and spoke of when the Israelites had to cross the Jordon. The priests had to jump right into the water before the river was stopped and the people could cross. I said to Bruce that this feels more like jumping off a cliff then stepping into a river! I know God is able. It's putting the faith I have in my head into practice with the rest of my life. It's still scary.

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