Thursday, March 08, 2012

Two Positives - A Permanent Dialysis Chair & A Law Firm Reception

I have a permanent spot at the satellite unit! As I said in my last post, I had received a message that I would be at the satellite unit for a week and then, "we'll see." So I was there a week, and then received a call that my next appointment would be back at the hospital. It was a last-minute change due to a nursing staffing shortage. That was fine with me. I still ended up being in a chair and was kind of on my own as they put me in an area that had just opened up. (There is construction happening on the floor above the dialysis unit in the hospital, so they periodically have been closing off areas so they can do some renovations.) But then I got another message after my hospital treatment that a permanent spot has opened up for me if I would like it. I would love it! Not that the hospital is a bad place to be, but it is just more convenient to be at the satellite unit.

The only problem I had with it last time is that I lacked internet connection. So as I was sitting in my dialysis chair hooked up to the machine, I had my laptop, my text book, and the TV all in front of me. The nurse looked at me and made a comment about multi-tasking. Yeah. I guess I was. And the thing about having internet connection is that I don't really need it to do my school work, but I do need it. It is my distraction when I am reading. There is only so much focus I can give on these cases for law school at one time before I need some mindless Facebook or Twitter to distract me. Of course, I think I let it distract me too much sometimes. I gotta work on that.

A pleasant distraction last night was a law firm reception. The big firms in the city have these for the law students as a "meet and greet" event. I had a blast at a law firm reception last night! The receptions are usually about schmoozing and learning how to "put yourself out there" and get known to get a job. I already work in a law firm and am fairly certain that I can stay there as long as I want, so I am not really going in hopes of landing a job after law school. But I had decided to go to these firm receptions for a few reasons.

First, it is always good to try to put a face to a name when you are working on a file. I figure the law profession is a fairly small world, and I would like to see and meet as many of my future colleagues as possible. And so that they can put a face to me when they see my name, too.

Also, it doesn't hurt to get another office's perspective. The dynamics of an office are usually fairly particular to that office. I know not all law firms are the same. They have similarities, but the people make the place, right? It is kind of like when I was looking into going to business college - all of the business colleges here in the city would have given me an adequate education in order to get into the workforce, but when I went into the schools, I was able to feel the "vibe" of the place and it helped form my choice of where I would eventually decide to go. I have to admit, the vibe of the office last night was a good one.

The previous receptions I was at had me feeling kind of on edge and a tiny bit uncomfortable. Conversations at the other receptions were a little forced and didn't come naturally. It was not hard for me to politely excuse myself to go home. But last night even as I was leaving, a little of what I am usually like came out. With my coat on I continued talking with one of the articling students there. And the conversation just 'happened.' You know, not where you try to keep it going so you can make a good impression. I just really enjoyed talking with everyone there. I was really glad to have gone.

Now, another thing I did that I didn't at the other receptions, is I just said it like it was whatever the conversation was about. I provided full disclosure on more than I had at the other receptions. I talked about family and religion and dialysis as well as law school. And I think the people who talked with me enjoyed the conversation as well. Either that, or they are really polite and didn't let on that they would rather that I go home now, please. My ego is going to believe they liked me.

I was reminded last night that I really love my life. I am happy to be where I am and feel very fortunate to be able to do what I do with the people in my life to do it with.